DCI Consulting Partner Success Story

Adverse Impact Analysis



American Television Provider and Streaming Service Owner.

The name and identifiable information have been removed for privacy considerations. 

"The explanation following the AAP provided details that helped to understand specific areas [to improve]!" 



The company proactively solicited DCI to examine their active selection and promotion procedures to determine if it was actively working to disadvantage members of a protected class. Adverse Impact is a practice that affects a group of people despite the intention of the rule to be neutral. 

Working on it

DCI's Solution

DCI launched an investigation into the organization’s application, promotion, and termination decisions, identifying areas of concern from a statistical and a practical standpoint. Following the investigation, DCI identified areas of concern and provided best practice recommendations on personnel decisions to mitigate their risk moving forward.  

DCI Statistical Experts evaluated which stage of the hiring or selection process may be the root cause of adverse impact and was able to proactively assist the company. The company was able to effectively examine their selection and promotion procedures and determined there was not adverse impact at the conclusion of the analysis.

Result graph


The company's awareness of the seemingly neutral hiring and selection decisions that could adversely impact individuals and groups increased exponentially. DCI will be able to more efficiently assist the company in situations going forward, given the experience with the unique data and processes of the company.

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